

At this weeks weigh in I found myself under the goal weight of 175 that I had set for myself to hit in December. Yesterday I found a body fat calculator and according to it I have 20% body fat. I've reached my goalz to be at a healthy weight and if I want to go by bmi I only have another 10lbs to loose.

It's time to set new goals for myself.

1. My first goal is to drop the last ten lbs I need to be in a healthy bmi. Ideally I'd like to loose 25 lbs more. That would put me right under 150 which is something I havent weighed in as long as I can remember.

2. My next goal is to sign up for , and complete, a 5k. I need something to train for so the couch doesn't get too comfy.

3. I need to work on my posture. One of my friends recently had a wedding and in the pictures I noticed I was hunched ocher horribly. I need to try to work on sitting and standing up straigght and. Being proud of my body and of myself.

4. I need to focus on my eating. Mainly my snacking. I need to start watching what I eat on the weekends as well as the weekdays. I also need to stop snacking so much at night. I sabotage myself and am gettting in the way of loosing the fat that I want to loose.

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